Remembering our dear ‘forefathers’ who came before our founding fathers’.. they knew well the foundational truths given to us by Truth Himself , Divine Providence, ‘Thee’ Supreme Authority’ A Loving Father.
He has given us ‘everything’ we need ..2nd Peter 1:3 for a godly life through our knowledge of him who called us by his own glory and goodness. You have not left us alone. You gave us You’ ! We have a firm foundation on which to build our lives on.
These day’s we have ‘everything’ coming at us_ the good the bad and the ugly_ Thank you Lord Jesus for coming’ _ fulfilling your purposes for all of ‘Us who live on our beautiful but sin soaked planet. .. for us to fulfill our purposes in bringing glory to you.
we who are so prone to offend you’ … in our worry about offending others. Oh that we may walk in your spirit and in truth. You are Truth. Help us to be honest with you’ ourselves and others. …..remembering the price you paid in loving us in Truth. Proverbs 12:23 _the Lord detests lying lips, but he delights in men who are truthful.