Light is mentioned approx. 263 times in the Scriptures
Lamp approx. 99 times ..
Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path _ Psalm 119:105 More desirable than gold, yes than much fine gold … Psalm 19:7-10
In the light of the lamp stand being a type or symbol of the Word of God , these are the specific instructions God gave Moses regarding the construction of the lamp stand. Exodus 25: 31-40 .
I find it fascinating that the symbol of the lamp stand has as it’s total parts 66… 66 individual pieces of hammered gold that are fashioned together into a single complete unit. …the Bible has 66 books, dozens of authors, written over the span of some 1,500 + years, preserved and recorded for us upon whom the ends of the age have come, woven to create one amazing continuous story that testifies of God and shines light on his purpose and plan of salvation for mankind. …. is that coincidental or is that God’s providence…? the article goes on to say ‘ there is more_ the first four branches of the lamp stand 9+9+9+12 gives a total of 39 _ the number of books in the OT. Combining the individual pieces of the remaining three branches 9+9+9 yields a total of 27 the precise number of the NT. … 66 divinely inspired purposed, and planned before the first one was ever penned…* [taken from article A-1 DB in the founders bible ]
I would call that Golden ! .. we have liberal access to the One who is pure gold in his Divinity and Humanity, the One who has given us all the Light we need ! … and yet … we chose darkness rather than light .
Choose Light for Life …and stumble no more … keep your lamp trimmed and Shine on fellow pilgrim.
John 8:12
Jesus said ‘ I am the light of the world …God is light and in him there is no darkness ! .
John 3:21
But whoever lives by the truth comes into the light, so that it may be seen plainly that what they have done has been done in the sight of God.
2nd Peter 1:19
so we have the ‘prophetic word made more sure, to which you do well to pay attention as to a ‘lamp shinning’ in a dark place, until the day dawns and the morning star arises in your hearts .
*Don’t we love how the glory of a new day , how it crawls out of the darkness... not to mention the wonder of how day ebbs back into nightfall …allowing for rest and renewal. We can’t miss the command .. throughout the scriptures.. When Jesus asks us to let our light shine’ he is reminding us that if indeed he is living in us’ we are the vessels he has to let the light shine into our worlds. _ he has chosen to use 'us' .. clayed as we are'.. to let the light ‘penetrate the darkness.
Matthew 5:16
….In the same way , let your light shine before men, that they may see your good deeds and praise your Father in heaven.
John 12:45
And whoever sees Me sees the One who sent Me. I have come into the world as a light, so that no one who believes in Me should remain in darkness.
Walking as children of the light ..we don’t fool ourselves thinking we can overcome the darkness on our own strength …_ but _is it not a glory ? , his invitation to us’ to walk with Him as children of the light _ ’ the simplicity’ of the message’ … if we in his grace choose light’ the way is ‘clear even when we struggle in what is not yet clear _ staying with’ thee light’ ……The darkest day becomes daylight. .