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Rosella Reggin

November 2022

Flanders Poppy’s have long been a favorite of mine’ … one lone large silk Poppy ‘shelved’ our small porch on Broadway in ND,.. cheerfully greeting coming’s and going s the year through. carefully pkgd. It would move right along with us to Wa. State…to be strategically placed so as not to miss this touch of red on a daily basis..

imagine my surprise ‘after mostly encountering the ‘California poppy ‘during our drive ,.. there in the front garden ‘large Red Poppy’s beckoned a Welcome’ … , it took my breath away momentarily,… with my moth dropping in awe’ of such a personal touch from designer God’ .. I felt his encouragement in the move’ .. I purposed .. 'this I would remember! ’

Remember’.. is a good strong word ! Remember not to forget is a good strong phrase. … these days when the forgetter ‘seems to be having the upper hand .. it’s a good reminder to pause ‘ and enjoy the poppy and it’s significance it has brought to our lives’ in remembering how much ‘red blood’ has been lost , given ,.. a high price paid in hopes to keep our country’s freedoms ..

We can’t remember them without remembering another who gave his all ’ .. gave his blood’ , but his was a death like none other’ , .. this sinless man left heaven ‘ sent by his Father , giving up his only son to pay the price for our eternal welfare _ he would live among us’ teaching , healing, confronting sin, he would anger the law keepers for he was truth incarnate’ exposing their hearts,, …, to the point of them yelling’ crucify him’ He would be mocked, violently beaten , then carry his cross and finally crucified for us! … why ? Sin had a price’ someone had to pay, Love did! HE did … we were destined for a life w/o God , for hell’ …’ but he found a way to get us back …it would mean his Father would turn his face from him while he took our sin on himself , leaving us the choice to love him back ,…or not, Who would not love this Warrior, Soldier Jesus!. Remember not to forget Him ,

Born to die …for us_ Died to live…in us

Lives today …with us

So we can live and for HIM …now .. and for eternity.

C ing, beyond the Manger Scene,

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